Steak made from Human poop passes Taste Test

May 24, 2013 in Prophet's Blog

main_steakThe steaks were first thought up by a Japanese researcher Mitsuyuki Ikeda after he was approached by Tokyo Sewage to come up with a solution for the city’s overabundance of sewage mud. Although “eating it” probably wouldn’t have occurred to most people, Ikeda recognized that the mud was chock full with protein-rich bacteria. After isolating those proteins in the lab, Ikeda’s team then combined them with a reaction enhancer and put them in an exploder. What eventually came out was no filet mignon, but it was edible. “Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with this,” said Douglas Powell, a professor of food safety at Kansas State University. “It could be quite safe to eat, but I’m sure there’s a yuck factor there.” Read Full Story on