What the summer holds.
May 21, 2013 in Sports
The New York Knicks after losing to the Indiana Pacers, most now decide what kind of team they will have next season. With aging over paid athletes on the payroll can the Knicks afford to go into the 2013-2014 NBA season with the same roster. As the Big Three in Boston from all looks will be at full strength, the south eastern Big Three posed to make an NBA finals run not going anywhere, teams next season getting star players back, and keeping their playoff lineups in tact the future doesn’t look to promising for Mr. Anthony. Withe free agency on the horizon can the Knicks land Dwight Howard or Chris Paul some interesting salary maneuvers will have to be considered and attempted. That is the only way to keep Knicks basketball relevant an not rely on because your team plays in New York, we will be watching Mr. Dolan.
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