American Woman Gang-Raped In India
June 4, 2013 in News
An 30 yr old American woman was gang raped by 3 men in northern Indian resort town of Manali. The woman was hitchhiking after visiting a friend when she was picked up by the men and brought to a secluded area and then assaulted. Officials in India have begun taking a stronger stance on sex crimes by increasing jail time and even the death penalty for cases resulting in the victims death or brain damage. Recently a Swiss tourist was gang-raped in March while taking a trip through rural India. Six men were arrested in the attack. In a separate incident the same month, a British woman visiting northern India leaped out of the third floor window of her hotel room fearing a sexual attack after the hotel’s owner tried to break into the room. There has been a lot of concern regarding sex assaults in India after a woman dies after being gang raped on a moving bus in New Delhi.
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