Edward Snowden, NSA Whistleblower

June 10, 2013 in Media & Tech, News

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Edward Snowden a former NSA contractor, leaked information to the press that the United States had an extensive spying program called prism in which they monitored phone and internet records of millions of Americans.  He is now on the run fearing retribution by the united states.  As Information Systems Analyst (Tech Support) Snowden had access to a lot of information that was not available to all employees, it was in this position that he noticed that the NSA was violating privacy rights of Americans around the world.  Many people in the media have shown support for Snowden, he is being called a whistleblower and has brought more attention to the surveillance activities of the United States intelligence community

New Pepsi Vending Machine Takes Facebook Likes, Not Money

June 4, 2013 in Media & Tech

A peculiar vending machine has been popping up at concerts and other events and is soon to make an appearance in more US cities.  Pepsi has introduced a vending machine that dispenses 1 can of soda to each person that likes its FB page.  In need of a refreshing beverage?, then just go to the machine and from your smartphone just click like on Pepsi’s page and choose a soda and viola! No, FB credits have not surpassed the US dollar in value. Its just a marketing campaign, rather then simply handing out free samples the machine acquires users FB information for future marketing.

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Domino’s to Deliver Pizzas Via R/C Helicopter

June 4, 2013 in Media & Tech

Domino’s Pizza UK has introduced the “DomiCopter”, a system designed to deliver up to 2 large pies via remote controlled octocopter.

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Other equally awesome ideas

The Beer Drone

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The Burrito Bomber

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Google Will Be Giving Customer Info to FBI

June 3, 2013 in Media & Tech

Privacy…free speech…blah blah.  If your not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about, right?…perhaps.  But I personally would like the option to do something wrong.  Ironically with social networks and the integration of our tech life with the “clouds” private data is really anything but (private).  A judge ruled forcing the tech giant to hand over certain customer information to the FBI for use in national security measures.


Google Glass May Have a Japanese Rival: Meet Telepathy One

May 22, 2013 in Media & Tech

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Telepathy One coming to a bootleg spot near you, right next to the Gucci bags and DVD’s

A Revolution as Dangerous as the Social Media One

May 22, 2013 in Media & Tech

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Some technologies are around for quite a while before people actually find practical uses for them i.e. the Internet.  3D printing is a technology though around for a while has benefited from new applications and new price tags. And like any great new technology it has the potential to put big companies and thousands of workers out of business.  There is currently a concern that people may begin using these “Anything Boxes” to create guns and even other weapons.  Peace driven inventors are now even testing these devices to replicate food, actual, edible food.

Here’s the 3d Printed Gun

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Below are a few items 3D printers have been used to create.

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